our hourly rates

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Hourly rates

We charge by reference to the time we spend when we do work that is extra to what we have given an estimate for and when we are charging our fees on a time spent basis.

Our charges are based on the time spent on your case by those individuals who are designated as fee-earners.  Time is charged in units of up to 6 minutes in respect of specified activities.  For example, a short letter or email in or out is usually charged as 1 unit; 20 minutes work is charged as 4 units. This time recording method is the same as generally adopted throughout the solicitors’ profession and is the only method permitted by most legal case management software systems including our own. It is our policy to be fair and so we do not charge for every action on a file eg an exchange of emails where each communication is only a few words we may charge as a single unit and one email sent to multiple recipients we will charge for as one email. 

We will not charge you for covering letters from you which are simply sending us documents we have requested. We do appreciate such letters addressed to the member of our firm who is acting for you as this helps us to allocate documents to the correct person or file quickly. When responding to our emails please press reply or copy and paste the subject line from our email into yours so your email will automatically be filed on your electronic file. 

Secretaries and other support staff are not fee-earners and their time is not charged to you.  Our rates and fees are always quoted exclusive of VAT. 

Our normal hourly rates are as follows:

Fee earner Status Hourly rate excluding VAT
Nia Graty solicitor £275
Emma Davies TEP solicitor £275
Rebecca Looker solicitor £195
Chris James trust and estate practitioner £275
Sarah Campbell solicitor £275

Time spent travelling or waiting is charged at half the above rates. Travel by car is chargeable at the rate of 65 pence per mile. Other travel and parking costs are chargeable at the cost incurred subject to the addition of value added tax at the prevailing rate when applicable.  Time spent by us on legal research is recorded on your file but is free of charge. Time spent reporting to you on the outcome or conclusion of our research is chargeable at the above rates. These rates are reviewed from time to time. We will notify you of any changes before they take effect. 

We charge different rates on some estate and other matters where a member of this firm acts in a personal capacity as executor, trustee or attorney and when we use a value element. See our estate administration service and fees page.